How To Prepare Your Event For A  Hurricane 

If you are in the live event business and have ever worked on a show in September- October, you have most definitely run across an episode of how to prep or do an event during hurricane season.

Once an hurricane has begun to be tracked by the weather service with a path, the first thing you’ll want to do is educate your client.  Clients that do not live in Florida do not understand the overall event,  as well as supply and demand,  impact a hurricane can have on an event.

An approaching hurricane can affect Florida’s labor force, delivery and attendee travel.  

The labor force may not be able to make it to a venue if the storm is upon the state as police ask people to stay off the roads.  

Deliveries may not be guarantee if not ordered prior to the hurricane alert a few days prior.  This means that the supplier may not guarantee they will have the items delivered if an order is placed a few days before the storm due to anticipating delivery, power and labor issues/ delays from the storm.  Keep in mind, vendors will need to close down their offices for hurricane prep for the company and their staff, as well as during the storm and aftermath clean up.

If a hurricane is approaching, your attendees may have travels delays, as airports close during the storm.  This will cause  flight cancellations and rescheduling.

The event venue will also put certain protocols in place.  If any part of the event is to take place outside, those elements will be reconsidered for an indoor location.  They will also take into account if the venue loses power.  The venue also put a plan in place staffing, which may be lower than normal for their Hurricane crew.

All in all, keep the communication open with your client each step of the way to stay flexible for a successful and safe event during Florida’s hurricane season. 

Remote vs In Office Work – What Have We Learned Post COVID?

Since COVID hit, the world has never been the same… the rules are different now. This still applies to how we interact during our daily work life. Not to mention how much social media has taken over and kept most people’s heads down and out of touch.

What have we learned post COVID about our workplace? For those lucky enough to continue working remotely from home, it’s the relief of not having to fight traffic back and forth from the office. That’s no small win.. this is a huge stress saver. For most, it’s still dressing professional from the waist up while we can be comfy from the waist down in sweatpants or shorts.

But what happen to human interaction and how it effects work efficiencies and personal relationships? There are a lot of pros to working remote vs office interaction. Meetings are more effect time wise. You can get more work done remotely than in the office due to interruptions. Some positions have a flexible schedule, so if you have a doctor’s appointment during the day, you don’t need to schedule time off, you just make up the time/work later in the day or week. The biggest pro is the work life balance that we have all been missing out on for a healthy, mind and body.

On the other hand, there are several cons to remote work. The biggest con is the lack of personal connection and comradery. No office lunches or special touches. No water cooler conversations, that actually help with solving project issues. There are also two types of remote workers – those that work much more since the work computer is now at home and those who don’t do enough since they are not visually seen during the day. With that being said, employers by now can very much see in the work results if a remote person is not getting their work done and taking advantage of the situation. And lastly, we tend to be so isolated that we’d rather be alone than in a large group. This is one of the reasons many have turned to social media to stay connected.

So if we don’t get out to go to work, how do you meet new friends? How do you meet a future spouse? Is the only time remote workers leave the house is for grocery shopping or doctor appointments? Even those can be done from home – shopping apps and telehealth. Both which have made our lives more efficient.

The new choice? Fitness…. Going to the gym or going for a walk/run… you need to go out and leave the four walls of your home. Attending church brings a whole body of people together to celebrate. Holiday or community events mean much more. It’s up to you how to make the best choice to fit your lifestyle to live your best life!


Once the COVID 19 Pandemic hit, the event industry came to a fast halt.  Event companies scrambled to learn the virtual world and virtual platforms worked tirelessly to keep up.  Most aspects of the live event transfer to a virtual realm was successful, except exhibitors.  This virtual space left exhibitors with no foot traffic or swag to give away and very little to no direct sales contact with potential buyers.

Now that events are back to going live, exhibitors, as well as attendees are thrilled to be in the “exhibit hall”!  Some clients have chosen to no longer do a hybrid event and some clients are, to accommodate those who cannot travel.  So what’s happening with exhibitor on virtual sites?

Most exhibitors are not purchasing packages that have a high presence on a virtual site.  Attendees have lost the thrill of gamification, which may require going to a certain amount of exhibitor ‘booths” on a virtual site.  At this point, the presence on virtual sites for exhibitors is a clickable logo that links out to the exhibitor’s website.  The clients are using the exhibitors who are of the virtual platform to all list out the Exhibits booth numbers.

So as the tide has turned regarding the Pandemic, event professionals are once again pivoting to stay at the front lines of changes and variety for their client’s and their exhibitors.  Each event has its own unique needs!


During 2020, all of us have left our Live Event Foundation for the Virtual Event Train in an effort to move forward during the COVID pandemic.  As we were forbidden to meet face to face to interact at events, virtual events rose to a new level.

Virtual events are not brand new, however, during 2020 virtual events thrusted to the front of the event world.  As event professionals are resilient, we embraced the new standard of events in the virtual event world.  Doing and attending events became a challenge for some, depending on their tech savvy.  The older generation had a harder time to adapt to the new virtual platforms: how to register, how to log on, what to click once in the platform, can you hear me? am I on mute?

The younger to middle generation adapted well and began to challenge the virtual platform world.  They no longer accepted a boring, flat looking virtual platform.  The platforms with more color, gamification, exciting transitions and graphics, as well as a high polished production polish was sought after and almost required by mid 2021 to stay competitive.

As we hit the middle of 2021, venues are allowed to open up in various amounts with COVID compliance in place.  How many will return to live events and why?  We miss the personal interaction of live events.  Sponsors miss the exposure of live events that was not captured very well by anyone in the virtual space.  Networking in person was much missed as well, as a Zoom breakout room just did not do it for us.

However, virtual events exposed your event to a larger audience around the world.  Some events had attendance peak during the virtual events by thousands of attendees.  People from all over the world that may not have originally attended the event now could.  Especially with travel restrictions and fear still in place, virtual/hybrid event models are the future of events.

Some of the interesting facts were exposed to clients during COVID.  Corporate bean counters found out how much they were saving by Not sending employees to live events.  They were saving thousands of dollars.  How long will it take for employers to justify sending employees to events, or even the same number of employees to the event as before?  Clients lost out on contacts made during networking or elevator conversations.  Trade shows and sponsors took a hit during virtual events, thus they are looking forward to walking into a convention center again and see their logos plastered all over the place.

How do you decide if you’ll stay on the virtual train or go back to a live event foundation?  Your company will need to evaluate and decide the best way to present your message, your content, and generate leads.  Or you can straddle the middle and do a hybrid event to capture both of your audiences. Hybrid will ensure a choice for your attendees that they can make in advance or at the last minute.  Either way, virtual, live or hybrid corporations have a choice on how to deliver great content and experience to their attendees.


Photo Courtesy by The CEO Kid/Unplash

Training Videos- we’ve all watched them at one point or another during our career. Whether it was a how to video or on boarding process, did you want to bring the popcorn or a pillow to watch these training videos?

The challenge for employers: Companies have a lot of standard information about their corporate history, policies, system and procedures that they need to relay to each employ. To ensure that each employee is hearing the same information, training videos have become popular, instead of 3-5 day seminars with live people teaching. Even though the videos do standardize the consitancy of the information, it leaves out the personal touch and flexibility of Q & A. Employee are more willing to ask a question to a live person than to track someone down, at the risk of feeling stupid or not know who is the right person to ask. In the long run, most employees dismiss their own questions, until such time they are in a situation that requires them to actively pursue the answer.

What has your training video quality experience been like? Were the videos short and snappy or long with a quiz at the end? The most torturous training videos are the ones that have been used for the past 20 years; or they feel that way when viewing them. Now, not that employees need to be entertained at all times with pyro going off and car chases in the training videos; however, the granular, grayish tint of the video does give a hint to what format you’ll be watching. To go along with the “vintage” videos, they are often narrated with the most monotone narrator that can have the most enthusiastic employee’s eyes drooping in 3 minutes.

There are some basics for creating a good training video that will be a success tool for your employees for long time. When you’re filming someone speaking, make sure the set is brightly lit that is comfortable to the eye. There’s no need for a crazy back ground, but complimentary primary colors that are rich in texture, will help stimulate the viewer’s eyes. Have the speaker use hand gestures, facial expressions and body movements to break up the static look. If you can film on site to show real life hands on usage, that will be more stimulating to the brain of the viewer.

While the video is being narrated, cross back and forth between a wide static shot and “power point” text. If applicable, stimulate the viewer with a cut away video with the subject matter for an example. At certain points in the video, add background music to help keep the movement of training. But most of all…. don’t make the videos too long! Break up the teaching material into blocks. This will also help the employee organize their time better, as to when they can fit in a few videos as a time to their work load responsibilities. Videos that go on for 30, 45-60 minutes, are hard to fit into a busy day. Also, make sure the training videos are formatted so that the view can start back where they left off, instead of having to rewatch the entire video.

You’re training videos may not be enticing enough for your employees to share popcorn in the office while watching them, but you certainly don’t want them to be looking for pillows! Happy training ~

DIGITAL PRESS KIT: “Your Professional Spotlight”


Putting together a digital press kit for self-promotion, ie: speaking engagements, publicity event, etc., may seem like an overwhelming task.  There are a few easy steps to develop your professional digital press kit. 


Think about all the projects you’ve worked on and start a bullet point list of them.  Start with your resume; it is a good place to find this information  You’ll be surprised how many bullet points you’ve listed.  The hard part will be cutting the list down to 5 – 8 accomplishments.


Next, write a short professional biography of yourself.  Keep the biography about 2-3 paragraphs long.  Remember that your audience will only pick up on your highlighted events.


Depending where you are in your career, your headshot could be professionally done. If your budget it tight, a really clear and vibrant digital phone photo may be used.  With today’s smart phones, just the right photo may be captured.  Remember, this is a professional looking photo – keep your clothing, hair and make up business like.

Also, be sure to have access to photos of events you’ve been a part of creating – this is the visual proof you’ll need to back up your accomplishments.

Putting together all of the above elements are key for creating a digital press kit.  With a few quick clicks, the web provides several software programs available to format your media.  Or all your information can be laid out on a word or power point documents. Be sure to add your contact information to the last section of the kit.

Lastly, create a PDF version to send out as your digital media kit for self-promotion.  

Good luck!

“Make your life a masterpiece; imagine no limitations on what you can be, have or do.” – Brian Tracy

Written by Cris Coniglio – Having a vast range of special event experience from the Olympic Festival Opening Ceremony to corporate picnics and theme parks, my goal is to educate and inspire others in entertainment management. 

For more information –


In the entertainment management business, we are the worst about taking care of ourselves…..THE SHOW MUST GO ON….”the show comes first”, “I’ll just get this one more thing done” and “gotta update the budget”.  Does this sound familiar? Let your life bloom with some of these fun ways to create work life balance.


Making time for your family is the most important thing you can do.  In this crazy ride of life, everyone is so busy. Spending time with your kids, spouse and family members are moments that you will not get back. Cherish them…..STOP….Make time for them…..the paperwork and conference calls will always be there…..we only have limited, precious time with our family.

Be creative with this time…meet for coffee or just a late dessert.  How about an early morning or late evening walk?  If there is a park or lake near by, sit by the water or swing on the swing set while you chat.  This will also create special moments.


The key to getting more done is to keep you’re your blood flowing…..literally!  As much as we dread working out after a full day or being on the road, it is the key to keeping your mind and body going…..and awake!

We all know that getting to a gym class 2-3 times a week is idea, but again not all work/life schedules are the same.  Can’t break away from the (home) office or on the road?  There’s a simple trick that will keep you going – set your phone timer for 30 minute increments.  Every 30 minutes, do 10 squats, 10 pushups (modified on your knees or against a wall is still good!) and 10 sit-ups.  You’ll be amazed at how much work you’ll get done with that little boost of blood flow and renewed energy!


When work so much or remotely, we tend to become isolated.  You need another set of friends outside of work to balance the roller coaster of life. The non work friends are a safe place to talk out side of the work place that help keep you balanced.  Some of the common social groups to meet new friends are church groups or school activity groups with your children.  

Now think outside the box….for example, there are so many diverse groups on the Meet Up app.  Some are outdoor groups that you may not have thought, of like a local hiking group or Dragon Boat Racing.  Learning to paddle with my local Dragon Boat Racing team has been one of the best experiences of my life where I’ve met amazing new friends! There are also groups, like the Habitat for Humanity, Travel Groups, Magical Dining, etc.  Jump in and get involved!

“Never say never because limits, like fears, are often just illusions.” – Michael Jordan

Written by Cris Coniglio – Having a vast range of live event experience from the Olympic Festival Opening Ceremony to press event live shows and theme park development, my goal is to educate and inspire others in entertainment management. 

For more information –




How many times have you been planning an event and the venue has asked you for an insurance certificate?  Venues require the planner to provide a certificate of insurance for the event.  Even if you’re an event planner or manager, being contracted by a producing company, the producing company may require you to provide a certificate of insurance.


The minimum required policy by clients and vendors is usually a one million dollar commercial general liability policy.  Insurance companies do not write liability policies to an individual who is doing the event, the individual must be incorporated and the policy is written with the corporation.


When applying with an insurance agency, they will ask you to zone in on what your business is. Do you sell goods?  Do you provide a service? Professional Liability Insurance is available under the label of Event and Meeting Planners.


Now the fun part and the punch line……how much does Event and Meeting Planners liability insurance cost? The insurance company will need to know about your type of events. 

-Are your events inside or outside?  

-Will pyrotechnics be used? 

-How many attendees are anticipated?  

Estimated monthly liability insurance payments could start at $150 per quarter, based on an attendee count of up to 300.

Hoping that these tidbits of information help prepare you for your liability insurance quest!

Challenges are what make life interesting & overcoming them is what makes life meaningful.” – Joshua J. Marine

Written by Cris Coniglio – Having a vast range of special event experience from the Olympic Festival Opening Ceremony to press event live shows and theme park development, my goal is to educate and inspire others in entertainment management.  

For more education & inspiration – or contact